What we do

We create engaging game-based learning simulators that improve the skills and practices of individuals and organizations

  • The latest scientific research shows the effectiveness of VR simulators and games in improving understanding and retention.

  • Rigorous studies have shown improvements of more than 10% in comprehension and learning.

  • Zacharia (2003), says that “researchers attribute success of simulations to the empowerment of students, the unique instructional capabilities, the support for new instructional approaches, the development of cognitive skills, and the development of attitudes”.

  • Ferry et al. (2004) stated that “Whilst we acknowledge that a simulation is only a representation of real-life, there are features that can enhance real-life experience. For example, a simulation can provide authentic and relevant scenarios, make use of pressure situation that tap users’ emotions and force them to act, they provide a sense of unrestricted options and they can be replayed.”.

  • Our simulations turn learning challenges into engaging, interactive learning opportunities.

  • To improve your training programmes, try our game-based approach that deeply embed skills and knowledge.


Ferry, B., Kervin, L., Turbill, J., Cambourne, B., Hedberg, J., Jonassen, D., & Puglisi, S. (2004). The design of an on-line classroom simulation to enhance the decision making skills of beginning teachers. Australian Association for Research in Education. Retrieved July 16, 2009, from http://www.aare.edu.au/04pap/fer04656.pdf

Zacharia, Z. (2003). Using interactive simulations to enhance students’ explanations regarding physical phenomena. Retrieved from http://cblis.uniza.sk/cblis-cd-old/2003/3.PartB/Papers/ Computer_Based_Learning/Zacharia.pdf